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Veterinary Specialists of Alaska

Common Procedures


We offer state-of-the-art surgical treatment for local, small animal patients as well as those referred by veterinarians across the state. All of our surgeons have completed a one-year rotating internship followed by at least three years of specialized training in small animal surgery at an accredited veterinary teaching hospital.


We provide testing and care for all species of animals with skin and ear problems, and work closely with dermatopathologists (pathologists who specialize in skin disease) to diagnose and treat dermatology diseases in the best way possible.

Cat being examined

Dr. Preziosi deals with diseases affecting the skin, ears, and gastrointestinal system. This can range from allergies to endocrine diseases, resistant infections, congenital skin disorders, autoimmune skin diseases, unusual infectious diseases, and some skin cancers.

To diagnose these various disorders, Dr. Preziosi may employ skin or ear cytology, culture of the infection, blood work, or skin biopsies. Treatment of skin cancer is usually limited to cutaneous lymphoma, melanoma, and select cases of mast cell tumors. For allergies, she will help clients through food trials or if appropriate, perform intradermal skin testing and formulate allergy serum based on the results. 

Dr. Preziosi is available for consultation on using serum test results or can make up an allergy serum that reflects the local allergens. For dogs with chronic ear disease, she will often be able to clear the disease using a combination of long-term treatment, deep ear flushing using video otoscopy, and diagnosis of the underlying cause.

Dermatology Services

  • Ear Disease

  • Intradermal skin test

  • Allergy serum formulation- immunotherapy

  • Deep ear flushing using a video otoscope

  • Skin biopsy

  • Removal of small lesions using a Cryoprobe

Doctor pointing at an x ray of a dog

Diagnostic Modalities

We are proud to be the leader in the field of diagnostics for small animals in the state of Alaska. We offer general, orthopedic, neurologic, and dermatologic examination; as well as in-house CT scans, radiography, contrast radiography, myelography, fluoroscopy, laparoscopy, arthroscopy, and skin testing to diagnose allergies in small animals.